Run targeted
WhatsApp campaigns for maximum returns

Turn conversations into conversions

A precise campaign strategy that empowers businesses to engage customers better through WhatsApp and drive ROI

Leverage WhatsApp to optimize
your returns

2.5 billion

Global active users


Higher engagement rate


Impressive open rate

Run your campaigns better with

Personalized Messages

Customize messages to connect with your audience, using dynamic placeholders like customer names for a personal touch.

Rich Media

Enhance engagement by incorporating images, videos, and product catalogs.

CTAs (Call-to-Action)

Encourage users to take specific actions, such as visiting a website or making a purchase

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Send verification codes securely via WhatsApp.

Account Verification

Validate user identities during account setup or password reset processes.

Order Updates

Real-time notifications about order status, shipping, and delivery.

Appointment Reminders

Reduce no-shows by sending timely reminders.

CTAs (Call-to-Action)

Service Notifications

Run your campaigns better with

Personalized Messages

Customize messages to connect with your audience, using dynamic placeholders like customer names for a personal touch.

Rich Media

Enhance engagement by incorporating images, videos, and product catalogs.

CTAs (Call-to-Action)

Encourage users to take specific actions, such as visiting a website or making a purchase

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Send verification codes securely via WhatsApp.

Account Verification

Validate user identities during account setup or password reset processes.

Order Updates

Real-time notifications about order status, shipping, and delivery.

Appointment Reminders

Reduce no-shows by sending timely reminders.

Service Notifications

Inform customers about service-related updates.

Campaign workflow
How REVE Chat makes it easy

  • Connect the WhatsApp number from the integration
  • Create segment from the contact option
  • Create a template from our template builder
  • Send the template to WhatsApp for approval
  • Send the campaign to different user segments

Major use cases for
WhatsApp campaign

Promotional offer

Boost sales by sending time-sensitive offers. Reward loyal customers with discount.

Order updates

Notify customers about order updates, status, shipping, delivery timeframes etc. Provide tracking links.

Appointment reminders

Reduce no-show on appointments. Send reminders and ensure attendees don't miss important events.

Event invitations

Invite users to participate in informative webinars and other events. Drive more engagement.

Customer surveys

Send surveys to understand customer satisfaction. Know your customers better and learn their pain points.

Abandoned cart recovery

Recover lost sales. Encourage users to complete their abandoned carts and incentivize cart completion.

Product recommendation

Suggest related products based on user behavior to enhance cross-selling and upselling strategy.

Birthday greetings

Send birthday greetings with special offers or discounts to strengthen customer relationships and building loyalty.

Reach your audience instantly with REVE WhatsApp campaign

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