The chat window is your main inbox to manage all the ongoing chat conversations and the tracking of your live visitors. You can manage your chat effectively by taking proactive actions to engage the website visitors.
The chat window consists of three main sections. They are the
The first section gives a complete overview of the visitors. They are the total online, engaged, and queued chats.
Online chats show the number of visitors who are browsing the website or specific pages.
You can see the number of chats queued as all the agents are busy.
It shows you the status of your agents whether online and offline.
It is the main section of the chat window that shows the conversation happening between your support agent and the visitor. Here the agents can use different tools and features to make chats faster and effective.
The right section of the chat window provides the complete details on the visitor profile. You can know the name & location of the visitor and also you can add other details of the visitors such as:
When you click on the icons below the IP address you get to know the following:
You can view the previous chat history of the visitor with specific agents to learn about the problem and offer quick effective solutions.
You can add a tag to the chat from the defined categories for a better understanding of the agents.
You can ban the visitor if you suspect it spam or irrelevant visitor.