Add button inconsistency option has been made more consistent (previously “add button” icon persisted even after adding max no of buttons).
Bot Trigger methodology for bot testing mode has been changed (previously bot was not triggering in testing mode if bot was made disabled).
Carousel Image aspect ratio has been optimized (now image is shown as previewed inside bot builder)
Carousel view related issue has been resolved.
Theme (color and others) has been made more consistent (for appointment, carousel, button and all other segments) for better user experience at business and customers end.
Appointment button inside bot has been renamed to make it more relevant.
Appointment booking related Issues (users could select the date even if no slots are available/ current date UI looks inactive although slots are available) issues have been fixed.
The appointment field information (name, email) auto filling feature has been incorporated, so those will be prefilled as per information given by users.