Upgrade your website with cohesive IM and Live Chat strengths

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    Identifying user behavior in customer support is an essential part of any business. Co-browsing solutions bring real-time, interactive assistance to the table, allowing support agents to seamlessly guide customers through their browsing experience. 

    Did you know that businesses leveraging co-browsing solutions experience a 25% increase in first-call resolution rates and a 30% boost in customer satisfaction? According to studies, the co-browsing software market is projected to reach USD 144,500.81 million by 2030. This surge in adoption is driven by the undeniable benefits of co-browsing, such as real-time assistance and seamless customer experiences.

    By the end of this blog, you’ll be able to choose the best co-browsing solutions for your business. In addition, you’ll know how you can implement a co-browsing tool. Let’s choose the best co-browsing solutions for your business!

    What is a Co-browsing Solution?

    Co-browsing solution is also known as collaborative browsing where the agent and client both can browse the web together from different devices in real time. One person accesses the other’s browser to perform specific tasks. It is a virtual dimension that allows agents to be aligned on the possible difficulties the client may have and guide them step by step as if they were at their side.

    For example,  you’re having trouble navigating an online banking portal to transfer funds. With a co-browsing solution, you can call customer support and the agent can instantly join your browsing session.

    From their device, they can see exactly what you’re seeing on your screen and guide you through the process. If necessary, they can even take control momentarily to show you where to click. It ensures you complete the transaction smoothly and efficiently.

    Why Should You Use Co-browsing Solutions?


    Businesses face numerous challenges in providing effective and efficient customer support online. It includes long resolution times, miscommunications, and the inability to see exactly what the customer is experiencing. These issues can lead to customer frustration, decreased satisfaction, and ultimately, loss of business.

    To address these challenges and improve the overall customer experience, many businesses are turning to co-browsing solutions. Co-browsing offers a seamless way to provide real-time assistance by allowing agents to navigate and interact with the customer’s web browser.

    Here are the key reasons why you should consider using a co-browsing solution:

    Enhanced Customer Support

    You can significantly enhance customer support by providing real-time, visual assistance. Agents can see the customer’s screen, identify issues quickly, and guide them step-by-step through solutions. This reduces miscommunication, speeds up problem resolution, and leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Companies using this technology report annual improvements in customer satisfaction of 5.1%, compared to 1.4% for those without it.

    Improved Sales Conversion

    You can guide customers through the purchasing process and address any concerns instantly. Co-browsing software helps increase sales conversions and reduce cart abandonment rates.

    While co-browsing users achieve a 7.2% annual increase in this key metric, others experience a minimal change of 0.2%. (Aberdeen Strategy Research)

    Personalized Engagement

    You can personalize engagement by allowing agents to provide tailored support based on the customer’s real-time browsing activity. This direct interaction helps agents understand the customer’s specific needs, offer personalized solutions, and build a more meaningful, individualized customer experience.

    Reduced Customer Effort

    You can reduce customer effort by eliminating the need for detailed explanations of issues. Customers can receive help directly on their screen without needing to explain their issues in detail. This streamlines the support process, making it quicker and easier for customers to get the help they need.

    Training and Onboarding

    You can use co-browsing for effective training and onboarding new customers or employees and offer hands-on guidance and support.  For customers, they can be guided step-by-step through product features and functionalities. 

    It ensures they are maximizing the value of the service from the outset. For employees, it offers an interactive learning experience where they can follow along and practice tasks as they demonstrate.

    Compliance and Security

    The technology allows for restricted view and control, meaning agents can guide customers through secure processes without seeing or handling confidential information. This gives you a high degree of flexibility in managing interaction compliance in embedded and document Co-Browsing, in addition to broad system-based settings.

    Reduced Support Costs

    You can reduce support costs by enabling faster and more accurate issue resolution. With real-time screen sharing, agents can quickly identify and solve problems It reduces the need for multiple support interactions. According to an Aberdeen study, businesses using co-browsing software experience an annual decrease in support costs by 2.4%, compared to just 0.4% for those without the technology.

    Cross-platform Compatibility 

    You can enhance cross-platform compatibility by allowing agents to assist customers regardless of the device or operating system they are using. This ensures that support is seamless and effective across desktops, tablets, and smartphones, providing a consistent and efficient customer experience on any platform.

    Integration with Other CX Tools

    You can facilitate integration with other customer experience (CX) tools by providing a versatile platform that can complement existing solutions. It allows seamless collaboration with chatbots, CRM systems, and analytics tools. 

    This integration enhances data sharing, improves workflow efficiency, and enables a more holistic approach to customer support and engagement strategies.

    Competitive Advantage

    Offering co-browsing as part of your customer support toolkit can set your business apart from competitors. You can differentiate yourself by resolving customer issues faster, enhancing satisfaction, and increasing loyalty. 

    This capability not only improves operational efficiency but also positions the company as innovative and customer-focused in a competitive market. 

    Greater Agent Utilization Rate

    By slashing diagnosis and handling times, businesses see a significant 10% increase in agent utilization rates (65% vs. 59%).  You can increase your agent utilization rates by allowing them to handle multiple customer sessions simultaneously. Agents can assist customers more efficiently through real-time screen sharing, reducing idle time between interactions.

    Top 10 Co-Browsing Solutions for Effective Customer Service 

    Finding the right co-browsing solution can transform your customer service experience. With so many options available, it’s crucial to identify the best ones tailored to your business needs. Below, we’ve curated a list of the top 10 co-browsing solutions that can enhance your customer service. Explore these options and discover the perfect fit for your business!


    Best for


    REVE Chat

    Highly secured & zero-latency co-browsing platform with omnichannel messaging & Live Chat.

    Starting price- 15$


    Recording and replaying user sessions

    Contact for pricing


    Customer support platform for financial institutions

    Contact for pricing


    E-signatures and online document collaboration

    Contact for pricing


    Small teams that need simple, cross-platform tools

    Starting price- 18$


    General-purpose platform with basic tools

    Starting price- 59$


    Individuals and social collaboration

    Starting price- 20$


    Ease of use

    Contact for pricing


    Sharing files

    Contact for pricing


    Simple integration

    Starting price- 25$


    1. REVE Chat:



    REVE Chat specializes in transforming customer interactions with its cutting-edge co-browsing solution. It is compatible across devices and platforms. It has seamless Integrations with other CX tools. With REVE Chat, businesses benefit from a comprehensive suite of visual engagement features, including AI-powered Chatbots, IM-featured Live Chat, Co-browsing, Audio & video chat, and a Ticketing system. These tools enable faster resolutions through personalized interactions. Allows effortless customer engagement across preferred channels and delivers an unmatched omnichannel messaging experience.

    Key features of REVE Chat’s Co-browsing Solution:

    • No downloads or installations

    REVE Chat is a WebRTC-based co-browsing solution. It does not require any installations or plugins to access. Both the agent and the customer start the session with just one click. Customers can get instant in-context communication while browsing your website.

    • Data Masking

    Data masking allows the agent team to make the customer’s information secure. You can mask any particular web page that contains confidential information.

    • Two-way navigation

    Both the agent and the customer can navigate the web page, allowing for collaborative problem-solving

    • Annotation and highlighting

    Tools to highlight, draw, or annotate on the shared screen, providing visual cues that make it easier to follow instructions.

    • Co-browsing API

    Enrich real-time customer conversations by integrating REVE Chat’s API within your business application and delivering a great user experience.

    • Mobile SDK

    REVE Chat offers a mobile SDK for both Android and iOS users, enabling shared browsing and additional features.

    • Easy usability 

    REVE Chat co-browsing is simple to use with easy integration. It can be easily combined with Live Chat, video chat, screen sharing, and phone to resolve customer issues faster.

    • Point and scroll

    This allows you to scroll the page up and down and show your cursor to the customers.  


    • Chat Communication
    • Features
    • User Insights
    • Machine learning training for chatbots
    • Real-time insights and analytics
    • API and SDK for custom integration
    • Automation of masking sensitive customer data


    • Free trial limitation


    2. Sessionstack:


    SessionStack is an AI-enhanced Digital Experience Analytics platform that uses advanced session recording technology to help e-commerce businesses identify where customers get stuck and drop off, revealing missed conversion opportunities. The platform’s insights enable data-backed conversion rate optimization, enhancing the overall user experience. SessionStackAI, the proprietary machine-learning model, is the perfect tool for e-commerce decision-makers focused on maximizing revenue.

    Key Features Sessionstack Co-browsing Solution:

    • Tracks user behavior

    SessionStack records and analyzes user interactions on your website, providing detailed insights into customer behavior patterns and identifying where users encounter difficulties or drop off.

    • Spot conversion opportunities

    By pinpointing areas where customers struggle or leave, SessionStack highlights missed opportunities for conversion, allowing you to make data-driven improvements that enhance your conversion rates.

    • Enhances onboarding to drive growth

    The platform’s insights help improve the onboarding process. It ensures a smoother, more engaging experience for new users, ultimately driving growth and customer retention.


    • Visibility
    • User Insights
    • Troubleshooting
    • Features
    • Reliability


    • Poor Integration
    • Limited Flexibility
    • Data Management


    3. Glia:


    Glia is a Unified Interaction Management (UIM) platform that powers a world of new connection possibilities for companies and their customers. It combines live chat, video, voice, and co-browsing capabilities, creating seamless and personalized interactions across various digital channels. Glia primarily serves financial institutions such as b1Bank, Celina Insurance Group, and First Tech.

    Key Features Glia’s Co-browsing Solution:

    • Multichannel Co-browsing

    Glia’s co-browsing feature provides real-time browsing sessions, website navigation, and form submissions, giving you an advantage in any conversation.

    • Voice/video, & text chat

    You can engage with customers through their preferred communication method, ensuring personalized and efficient support.

    • Observation mode

    You can monitor customer interactions in real-time to understand their journey and address issues promptly.

    • AI-powered customer management

    You may utilize artificial intelligence to manage customer interactions, predict needs, and provide tailored solutions efficiently.

    • Unified customer support operations

    You can integrate various tools and applications into a single platform to streamline customer support processes and improve operational efficiency.


    • Ease of Use
    • Customer Support
    • Easy Communication
    • Seamless Integration


    • Missing Features
    • App Issues
    • Pricing model isn’t transparent


    4. Surfly:


    Surfly offers co-browsing and collaboration technology to upgrade conversations from any channel. Surfly’s technology provides a smooth and fast experience, with no loss of quality, even when co-browsing websites with audio and video. 

    Key Features Surfly’s Co-browsing Solution:

    • Co-browsing

    Surfly’s co-browsing feature allows agents to view and interact with a customer’s web browser in real-time, providing immediate assistance and guidance without any downloads or installations required.

    • Video chat

    With video chat, agents can communicate face-to-face with customers, adding a personal touch to interactions and building stronger relationships while resolving issues more efficiently.

    • Screen sharing

    Screen sharing enables agents to share their screens with customers, making it easier to demonstrate solutions, walkthrough processes, and provide visual support.

    • File editing

    The file editing feature allows agents and customers to collaborate on documents in real-time, making it easier to complete forms, contracts, and other paperwork together during a session.

    • Session recording

    Session recording captures the entire interaction, providing a record of the session for quality assurance, training, and future reference. This helps in maintaining transparency and improving service delivery.


    • Customer Support
    • Setup Ease
    • Fully customizable features
    • White-labeling of the user interface


    • Pricing model isn’t transparent


    5. Cobrowse:


    Cobrowse provides collaborative browsing solutions for customer-focused businesses worldwide. Their co-browsing solutions for web and mobile applications. They offer flexible and reliable co-browsing solutions available.

    Key Features Cobrowse Co-browsing Solution:

    • Universal co-browse

    You can browse, navigate, annotate, and control 3rd party websites and apps without adding any code.

    • Data masking/redaction

    It can redact everything by default and allows listing only specific content, redact within native webviews, iOS SwiftUl, and Android Compose.

    • Whitelabel

    You can use your company’s existing UI components and styles for both agent and end-user interfaces.

    • SDK size and performance

    It has SDKs, with web less than 200kb and mobile less than 600kb

    • Session recordings

    Data API for detailed audit events, reporting integrations, plus optional video recordings

    • Cloud, self-hosted, and on-premise

    You can deploy with Docker, Kubernetes, VMs, or bare metal across any cloud provider, on-premise data centers, or air-gapped networks


    • Mobile co-browsing support
    • No downloads or plugins required
    • Self-hosting
    • White-labeling of the user interface


    • Slow Performance
    • Limited feature set

    6. Fullview:


    Fullview enables customer-facing teams to guide customers in digital environments for faster resolutions and conversions. It offers instant context on customer issues through co-browsing and session replays.

    Key Features Fullview’s Co-browsing Solution:

    • Independent cursor

    It allows both the agent and customer to control their cursors during a co-browsing session, enabling seamless and collaborative navigation of web pages without interfering with each other’s actions.

    • Annotation tools

    This feature provides visual aids for better communication by allowing agents to draw, highlight, or annotate on the shared screen, making it easier to guide customers through complex processes or troubleshoot issues.

    • Audio & video controls

    You can enable direct communication between agents and customers through integrated audio and video features. It fosters a more personal and effective support experience.

    • Chatbox

    It offers a text-based communication channel alongside co-browsing, allowing customers and agents to exchange messages, share links, or clarify points without interrupting the visual session.


    • Seamless integrations with CRM tools
    • Automatic customer information censoring
    • No downloads or link-sharing


    • No mobile support
    • Limited Live Chat tools
    • No generative AI to summarize sessions

    7. Samesurf:


    Samesurf is a patented real-time collaboration platform that allows multiple users to simultaneously engage with the same online experiences from any device or browser, without requiring installations or coding.

    Key Features Samesurf’s Co-browsing Solution:

    • In-Page Control Passing

    This feature allows users to seamlessly pass control of their screen to another participant during a session. It facilitates smooth collaboration by enabling different users to interact directly with the web page or application in real-time.

    • Element Redaction

    Element redaction ensures sensitive information on a webpage is hidden or masked from view during a co-browsing session. This feature enhances privacy and security by preventing the sharing of confidential data.

    • HD Audio & Video Chat

    High-definition audio and video chat provide crystal-clear communication between participants. This feature allows for more engaging and effective interactions.

    • Upload & Share

    Users can upload and share files directly within the session, streamlining the process of exchanging documents and other resources. This feature enhances collaboration by keeping all necessary materials within the same platform.

    • Comprehensive Analytics

    Comprehensive analytics offer detailed insights into user interactions, session durations, and other key metrics. This data helps businesses understand user behavior, measure the effectiveness of their sessions, and make informed decisions for improvement.

    • Screen Sharing

    Screen sharing enables users to display their entire screen or a specific application to other participants. This feature is essential for demonstrating processes, providing tutorials, or troubleshooting issues together.

    • Session Recording

    Session recording allows users to capture and save their co-browsing sessions. These recordings can be reviewed later for training, quality assurance, or to revisit and resolve any outstanding issues.


    • Seamless video sharing with pause/play
    • Private rooms with invite-only sessions
    • Pass leader controls to any participant


    • Limited amount of available storage
    • Limited session replays


    8. Upscope:


    Upscope provides co-browsing solutions for companies that have less tech-savvy customers. Upscope’s clients span a diverse range of industries, including payroll & HR, financial services, insurance, CRMs, legal software, logistics, healthcare, and numerous SaaS companies.

    Key Features Upscope’s Co-browsing Solution:

    • Javascript SDK

    You can integrate real-time screen sharing and navigation into apps

    • Rest API

    You can access account info, and visitor data and create auth tokens for unauthenticated screen sharing. 

    • On-premise

    It provides secure, fast, and easy deployment for stringent data security, hosts visitor data in-house, and has access to top management.


    • Ease of Use
    • Screen Sharing
    • Customer Engagement


    • Lagging Issues
    • Cursor Issues
    • Poor Connectivity


    9. Unblu


    Unblu is a privately held Swiss company founded in 2008 that provides financial institutions with the best technology to enrich the digital experience of their customers by extending their customers’ touch points and collaboration capabilities. The Unblu Conversational Platform enables client service agents and visitors to engage, converse, browse & collaborate.

    Key Features Unblu’s Co-browsing Solution:

    • Full content control

    You can define what your agents can see or do with a configurable Co-Browsing solution that meets your security needs.

    • Skip-and-mask browsing

    Customer data is never transmitted from the browser to the Unblu server. Retain control over what agents see and their remote access to important buttons or form fields.

    • Full website integration

    Available on the public website – or behind secured areas, with a visitor single sign-on to ensure maximum security.


    • File Transfer
    • Integration Services
    • User Interface
    • VoIP Calling


    • Screen Management
    • Time Delays
    • Pricing model isn’t transparent


    10. Acquire:


    Acquire is a conversational customer engagement platform that empowers companies to deliver exceptional experiences. Acquire offers features including Live Chat, video and audio calling, AI chatbots, centralized interaction management, and secure co-browsing equipping teams to solve sales, service, and support issues easily, in real-time, and on any device. 

    Key Features Acquire’s Co-browsing Solution:

    • In-App Messaging

    You can communicate with users directly within your application through seamless in-app messaging, enhancing customer support and engagement without needing to switch platforms.

    • Great design and well-documented

    It has a user-friendly interface and extensive documentation that makes implementation and usage straightforward and intuitive for developers and end-users alike.

    • Powerful workflow engine

    You can automate and optimize your business processes with a robust workflow engine, streamlining operations and improving efficiency across various tasks and functions.


    • Chat Communication
    • Customization
    • Easy Implementation
    • Customized Integrations


    • Lagging Issues
    • Poor Customer Support


    How to Choose The Best Co-Browse Solution For Your Business?


    Now that you know what the best co-browsing solutions are, it’s time to make the right decision and choose the best co-browsing solution for your business. Here are some factors to consider before choosing co-browsing tools:

    Features & Functionality

    Different co-browsing solutions come with different features. Some may provide basic screen-sharing, and some may offer advanced controls. Choose a solution that fits your business needs and is flexible to manage various types of customer interactions.

    Safety & Regulatory Compliance

    This is very important to consider the co-browsing tools you are going to use that is secure and will keep your data/information secure. Look for features like data encryption, secure session management, and compliance with regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA to safeguard customer data and maintain trust.


    The ease of use of a co-browsing tool significantly impacts both customer satisfaction and agent productivity. Look for intuitive interfaces, quick deployment options, and minimal customer effort to initiate co-browsing sessions without requiring extensive training or technical support.


    A versatile co-browsing solution should seamlessly integrate with your existing technology stack, including CRM systems, helpdesk software, and communication channels like live chat or video conferencing.

    Support and Training

    Opt for a provider that offers comprehensive support services, including training resources, documentation, and responsive customer support. A reliable support network ensures quick issue resolution, proactive assistance, and ongoing education to maximize the value of your co-browsing investment.


    As your business evolves, scalability becomes crucial. Choose a co-browsing solution that can grow with your needs, accommodating increased user volumes, additional features, and expanded functionalities. Scalability ensures long-term viability and enhances your ability to meet future customer engagement challenges effectively

    Step-by-Step Guide to Implement REVE Co-browsing Solution

    Now that you’re a pro at co-browsing solutions, it’s time to put that knowledge into action for your business. Ready to get started? Here’s a step-by-step guide to implementing a co-browsing solution:

    Step 01: Sign Up/Login to Your REVE Chat Account  

    You need to sign up or create a trial account in REVE Chat. Go to REVE website and click on start free trial. Fill out the form and you will have a dashboard. Or log in to your account if you have already created one. No installation or download is needed. From your dashboard enable the co-browsing. After enabling you need to save the changes. That’s all! Your integration is completed.

    Step 02: Train your team                                           

    The next step is to train your team on using the co-browsing platform. REVE Chat offers thorough training materials, making it easy for your team to quickly learn and start assisting customers immediately.

    Step 03: Start co-browsing

    After the training with your team, you are ready to use co-browsing. All you need to do is a single click from both the agent and the customer to start the session. Once the customer clicks the link, you’ll be able to view the same web page as the customer and start helping them right away.


    The search for the best co-browsing solutions for businesses has come to an end. Now tell us: have you found the perfect co-browsing software for you?

    The tools reviewed in this article collectively address a broad spectrum of needs for businesses. While no single application perfectly caters to every requirement, the variety of options available ensures that there is a suitable tool for different user preferences and operational needs. As discussed, each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s crucial to experiment with them to identify the best fit for your specific needs.

    Now, sharing recommendations based on our testing and experience:

    • REVE Chat: For all sizes of businesses that need innovative co-browsing to empower both agents and customers fulfilling and providing exceptional user experience. It boosts customer support efficiency by 10X and is customizable to your needs.
    • Sessionstack: For businesses that require session replays and recordings, these tools help reproduce user issues. 
    • Samesurf: For individuals who want to surf the internet with others in a co-browsing experience. It allows users to surf the web collaboratively in real-time.


    But you better try for yourself. Try it today.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What is a co-browsing solution?

    Co-browsing, or collaborative browsing, is a technology that allows agents to navigate a customer’s browser in real-time. The agent can see what the customer sees and interact with the page while keeping other parts of the customer’s device and sensitive information hidden.

    Is co-browsing secure?

    Yes. Co-browsing is fully safe because both agent and visitor interact in a single browser tab. Also, participants can not get access to any data because all the information is masked. 

    What is the difference between screen sharing and co-browsing?

    Co-browsing enables multiple users to navigate and interact with the same web page in real-time. On the other hand, screen sharing allows one user to share his entire screen with multiple users. 

    What is the purpose of co-browsing?

    Co-browsing means collaborative browsing. The purpose of co-browse is to build an effective interaction between an agent and a visitor. Its main objective is to increase customer experience and satisfaction rate and provide a hassle-free journey to your website visitor.

    How to do co-browsing?

    Starting a co-browsing session requires just a single click. When a customer needs assistance, they can request help from an agent. The agent will then click the co-browse button, prompting the customer with a choice between ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ By selecting ‘yes,’ the co-browsing session will commence directly in the customer’s browser.

    Start using REVE Chat now!

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    Ehsanur Rahman

    Ehsanur Rahman, the Head of Customer Communication at REVE Chat is dedicated to implementing advanced solutions that boost customer interactions and satisfaction. Ehsanur's passion for technology and customer service drives his commitment to delivering exceptional experiences.

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