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Ticketing system
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    Would you like me to share a behind-the-scenes customer service insight? When a representative mentions that they’ll investigate your issue and follow up, it’s not often an immediate visit to an expert. Instead, they might be attending to another customer’s call. However, there’s a reason for this approach. The representative is likely utilizing an automated ticketing system. While they’re addressing the next customer’s concern, they’re also notifying a specialist to examine your case simultaneously.

    Subsequently, when the specialist has a solution, the representative can communicate this information to the customer through the initial ticket.

    As your company experiences growth and widens its customer reach, your support desk may consider implementing a ticketing system. It assists customer service teams in effectively managing their tasks, leading to enhanced customer experiences. Seems interesting! Right? Let’s dig in to know more.


    Defining Ticketing Systems

    Definition of ticketing system

    Ticketing systems automatically centralize and prioritize support requests within a unified dashboard. Users have the capability to label, categorize, and allocate tickets as they are received. Furthermore, these systems provide real-time updates on ticket statuses, allowing you to monitor ongoing requests.

    Ticketing software acts as a focal point for interactions, simplifying communication between agents and customers. For instance, if a customer contacts your business through Instagram, an agent can directly respond to their message via the ticketing system, eliminating the need to switch to the social media app. Similarly, in cases where a customer issue necessitates escalation, an agent can initiate a support ticket transfer to the appropriate team and notify the customer directly from the ticketing system.

    Shared inboxes within ticketing systems foster collaboration among agents, enabling the seamless exchange of customer information and breaking down information silos.

    For customer support managers, ticketing systems provide the means to analyze team performance metrics, including metrics such as resolution time, response time, and time to first reply. These systems also offer the capability to track the frequency of complaints, allowing you to identify and prioritize the resolution of recurring problems.


    How Does a Ticketing Software Work?

    A ticketing system initiates its process by generating a record known as a “ticket,” which serves as a documented record of interactions related to a customer service case.

    This ticket is accessible to both the representative and the customer, consolidating their interactions into a continuous thread. This thread remains accessible to both parties, allowing them to refer back to it whenever necessary.

    Upon the ticket’s creation, support agents can proceed to address the issue from their side. Whenever there are updates, they can notify the customer directly through the ticket. Meanwhile, if the customer has any inquiries or additional information to provide, he can likewise use the ticket as a means of communication with the support representative.

    The ticketing system subsequently notifies the support agent when there has been a response recorded on the ticket, enabling him to promptly attend to it.

    Once the issue has been successfully resolved, either the agent or the customer has the option to close the ticket.

    However, it’s important to note that tickets can be reopened if any of the parties have further follow-up questions or requests. This eliminates the need to create a new ticket or engage with a different representative. Customers can seamlessly continue their interaction with the same individual they previously worked with, picking up where they left off in the conversation.

    Certain ticketing systems are equipped with integrated customer feedback mechanisms that have the capability to gather customer reviews each time a ticket is concluded.

    The Ticket Life Cycle


    Elevate Your Support: The Benefits of Ticketing Systems

    If you’ve relied on an email inbox to handle your customers’ inquiries, transitioning to a ticketing tool can be a game-changer. 

    A ticket management system is indispensable for efficiently addressing your customer service concerns. It simplifies the resolution of complaints and issues while providing managers with the ability to monitor the advancement of ongoing support tasks.

    Outlined below are key reasons why expanding businesses should consider implementing ticket management software for their customer service and support teams.


    • Well Structured Department

    The primary advantage offered by a ticketing system lies in its capacity to systematically arrange and document a substantial volume of support cases across an entire customer service department. This organizational function is sometimes referred to as issue tracking.

    Thanks to issue tracking and the organizational features of a ticketing system, agents can efficiently handle numerous cases simultaneously. This efficiency is achieved through the categorization and prioritization of each ticket based on its level of urgency. This proves particularly valuable when addressing urgent situations involving a substantial influx of customer tickets related to a specific issue.


    • Centralized Information

    Another advantage of the ticket management system is the consolidation of information. All tickets are stored within a single software platform, making them easily searchable and accessible for future reference.

    This centralized repository not only aids in customer service analytics but also allows representatives to retrieve past cases that might contain solutions relevant to their current issues.


    • Simplified Interaction

    In the case where your company provides an omnichannel support experience, a ticketing system can assist your team in consolidating communication into a unified thread.

    The advantage of omnichannel support is that customers have the flexibility to reach your customer service teams through various communication channels. However, the challenge arises when customers do not consistently use the same platform for troubleshooting a specific support issue.

    Customers might initiate a conversation by sending a tweet to your team, follow up with a phone call, and expect an email response for further updates. This multi-channel approach can create communication complexities, especially for support agents handling a substantial daily workload.

    Ticketing tools resolve this issue by centralizing all communication within a single thread. Irrespective of the communication channel the customer initially used, all interactions are consistently recorded in one location, eliminating confusion for both customers and support representatives.


    • Convenient Accessibility

    With all communication consolidated in a single shared platform, ticketing systems facilitate seamless interaction between customers and customer service agents. Customers can conveniently access their respective tickets through their email inboxes and directly send inquiries to the specific agents managing their cases.

    This empowers customers by providing them with a direct line to their dedicated customer service representative, rather than a generic support inbox.

    Moreover, this accessibility is great for the support representatives as it reduces the urgency to rapidly resolve cases. As customers don’t get access to their personal email addresses, representatives can manage their workload at a more manageable pace, free from a barrage of messages from impatient customers.


    • Helps to Evaluate your Performance Indicators

    Dashboards and reports provide you with the capability to take a broad view of your team’s strengths and delve deeper to identify the root causes of delays. They allow you to track changes in resolution times over time, assess whether agent productivity increases following the implementation of improved tools and customer service training.


    Important Tips: Features to Look for in a Ticketing System

    Certain customer service departments are operating with outdated or less-than-ideal support ticket systems. When considering an upgrade to your existing system or transitioning to off-the-shelf ticketing tools, ensure that your chosen solution has the capability to execute the following functions.


    • Handles Inquiries from all Channels

    Your customers, team members, and partners often require support through various channels, including phone, email, text, social media, messaging apps, and other internal communication platforms. 

    An integrated system with omnichannel routing that efficiently handles all the incoming requests, and promptly directs them to the most suitable agents based on their skills and availability is what you need to look for while considering a ticketing tool for your company. 


    • Provides Agents with a Comprehensive Customer Perspective

    An integrated system creates a comprehensive 360-degree view of the customer by seamlessly merging with various applications and aggregating all accessible data. This unified view empowers agents to foster stronger customer relationships while simultaneously addressing the immediate issue at hand.


    • Automates Various Procedures

    A good software for ticketing provides agents with guidance on the most suitable actions to take as they navigate a ticket toward resolution. Tailored to the unique details of the issue, the system highlights each necessary step to fulfill the customer’s requirements. It ensures that agents don’t overlook any crucial aspect by mandating the completion of each step before progressing to the next. As your team’s efficiency grows, you can pinpoint new opportunities for automation to enhance the quality of customer service.


    • Unveils the Full Case History

    A chronological timeline exhibits all the interactions with a customer across various channels such as SMS, messaging apps, social media channels, emails, voicemails, and even records the knowledge resources the customer has accessed. This guarantees that the agent possesses all pertinent information readily available, enabling a seamless transfer to another colleague who is well-informed and equipped to finalize the resolution swiftly and efficiently.


    • Incorporate Generative AI for Quicker Customer Support

    An efficient and robust support ticket system is the basis for enhancing customer support. Elevate this foundation by incorporating AI technology as it empowers teams to produce responses, automate the creation of knowledge articles, and automatically generate case wrap-up summaries. This enables your agents to operate with greater speed and efficiency, resulting in accelerated case resolution and higher customer retention.


    Maximize Efficiency: Top 10 Ticketing Tools to Consider

    In most cases, ticketing systems are an integral component of customer service software. While searching for the best suitable ticketing system for your organization, it’s essential to take into account the requirements of your customers and the workflow of your employees. Below, we present the top 10 ticketing systems that, in our assessment, are well-suited to fulfill the requirements of the majority of customer service teams.


    1. REVE Chat

    REVE Chat serves as an all-inclusive customer service solution for real-time interactions with customers. It operates through a chat interface on websites, mobile apps, and other social media channels like Facebook, Viber, Telegram, Instagram, and WhatsApp. 

    REVE Chat’s ticketing tool empowers you to give priority to customer requests and closely track their advancement throughout the support journey. It seamlessly integrates live chat with ticketing, facilitating swift resolutions of customer concerns. You gain access to a holistic perspective encompassing chat history, ticket history, and invaluable customer data, all conveniently accessible through a unified platform. 

    Additionally, it offers the capability to automatically notify customers that your support team is actively addressing their issues. Furthermore, you can foster seamless collaboration with customers by sharing private notes with agents, ensuring confidentiality while efficiently resolving concerns.

    Apart from the ticketing features, REVE Chat also enables customers to initiate live chat sessions, voice and video calls to receive real-time assistance from the customer support department. Using AI, it automates customer service, ensuring instant assistance even when your team is unavailable. 

    REVE Chat offers a 14-day FREE TRIAL to get a first-hand experience of all its unique features. So, SIGN UP today!


    2. HubSpot

    HubSpot consolidates, arranges, and monitors tickets through a unified dashboard. Your team gains visibility into each ticket’s status, its position in the queue, and the duration it’s been under resolution.

    Additionally, the ticket is synchronized with the customer’s record within the CRM, allowing representatives to access the customer’s historical interactions with the company. This amalgamation of both quantitative and qualitative data, readily accessible, provides representatives with increased chances to enhance the overall customer experience.


    3. LiveAgent

    LiveAgent’s software automates the conversion of all your customer communications into tickets, subsequently organizing and directing these tickets to the designated employee or shared inbox.

    This functionality aids representatives in harmonizing information flow across departments beyond customer service. LiveAgent’s comprehensive offering includes a forum, knowledge base, and FAQ tools designed to complement the ticketing system.


    4. Help Scout

    Help Scout is a customer service tool equipped with a diverse set of features designed to assist support agents in delivering exceptional customer experiences. The software encompasses tools for live chat, help center, proactive messages, emails, and what it terms “conversations” instead of “tickets.”

    All “conversations,” centrally organized in a shared inbox accessible to all support representatives, are securely stored within the customer’s profile. This profile serves as the repository for their contact information, website interactions, and purchase history. Consequently, representatives gain the ability to tailor support and deliver it with enhanced efficiency.


    5. Zendesk

    Zendesk’s adaptable customer support desk tool is equipped with automation features and triggers. The support agents have the capability to devise macros, enabling them to promptly address frequently encountered customer queries.

    Dashboard views can be individually customized by each agent to display information such as pending tickets in queues, the status of tickets, and more. Additionally, you have the option to enhance functionality by pairing your Zendesk software with any of their extensive selection of 500+ integrations and applications.


    6. ProProfs

    ProProfs’ help desk is highly versatile, serving the needs of both customer support and IT teams effectively. In either scenario, the platform enables the provision of multichannel support encompassing a help center, email, live chat, and phone. It includes valuable collaboration tools like internal notes and automation features that contribute to a more efficient workflow.

    This versatile platform offers a range of valuable features, including round-robin ticket assignment for equitable distribution of support tickets to agents, the creation of pre-written responses to enhance response times, and easy access to key customer support metrics through comprehensive help desk reports.


    7. Freshdesk 

    Freshdesk also offers a ticketing system, which operates on a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, empowers representatives to tailor ticket views. This functionality enables them to establish filters according to ticket attributes, including priority, status, and type, facilitating the prioritization and effective resolution of customer requests.

    Representatives can further streamline operations by automating tasks such as routing, updates for ticket status, and follow-up interactions. Through adaptable workflows, these automated tasks can be customized based on various criteria, such as the customer’s geographic location, language, or email subject line.


    8. Front

    Front serves as a unified platform, consolidating your customer service and communication into a single online space. This application significantly enhances team collaboration when addressing customer issues. For instance, even when one agent has initiated work on a ticket, other agents can continue to monitor the ticket’s progress and step in to offer assistance if needed.

    Font has the ability to share email drafts with team members for collaborative feedback, facilitating training and improvement. It also offers efficient workflows to expedite responses to customer messages. It provides in-depth analytics, offering valuable insights into request volume and overall customer experience. Additionally, it also allows for the prioritization of VIP customers, ensuring swift escalation for top-tier clients.


    9. HappyFox

    HappyFox is an automated help desk and IT ticketing system equipped with a ticketing feature that incorporates pre-filled ticket properties, simplifying the process for customer support agents when creating and assigning tickets.

    The tool also has ticket templates that are shareable with all team members, ensuring a consistent layout for all tickets and thus fostering uniform branding across your customer service team. This consistency in ticket presentation enhances the overall customer service experience.


    10. Zoho Desk

    Zoho Desk is an integral component of the comprehensive Zoho suite of business software, which includes Zoho CRM, Books, and more. It serves as a ticket management tool, facilitating communication between your customer support team and customers through multiple channels.

    This versatile platform provides advanced capabilities such as centralizing message reception and responses from multiple channels into a single inbox. It seamlessly integrates with a wide range of tools already employed by your company, ensuring a cohesive and seamless customer experience. Additionally, it empowers you to establish a self-service portal that includes many tutorials and FAQs, enabling users to independently search for information and solutions, enhancing overall customer support efficiency. 

    Practical Use Cases of the Ticketing System in Different Industries

    eCommerce Industry

    In the world of online selling, making customers happy is key! To boost your e-commerce business, you’ve got to pay extra attention to user experience. Opt for the ticketing system – it’s like your superhero for finding and fixing customer problems, making them super happy! Now let’s chat about how this awesome tool becomes the heart and soul of your online business, making things run smoothly and keeping customers smiling. Here are some use cases to look into!

    • Product Inquiries & Support

    Imagine you’re running an online tech shop or software company with all kinds of cool stuff. Sometimes, a customer wants something super specific, and the sales agent can’t help right away. No worries! The agent can shoot over an email with the customer’s needs, creating a ticket. It goes to one of the tech team members who gets it done instantly.

    This magic ticketing system lets the business offer personalized help, way better than the usual sales chat. And guess what? It saves the business from having to use all its top resources around the clock. They can use them smartly in a well-organized way. 

    • Order Tracking & Returns

    Managing order tracking and returns is a routine task for e-commerce businesses. Let’s take an online fashion shop, for instance. Customers often need to track their orders or return items, especially if the size isn’t right or there’s a defect. Handling these tasks involves collaboration across multiple departments, making it a bit complex.

    Enter the ticketing system – it’s like the superhero that swoops in to simplify everything. Picture this: a customer raises a ticket to return a dress. A support agent, after analyzing the issue, can assign the right department to kickstart the return process. On the flip side, the agent can set up a meeting with the customer within the ticket’s thread to understand why they want to return the product.

    Now, here’s the magic: this process makes the customer feel heard and valued. It shows them that their opinions matter, and that the business genuinely cares about their preferences. It’s not just about managing orders; it’s about creating a positive and personalized experience.

    • Troubleshooting

    Customers might face discomfort or issues while using a product, whether it’s in the realm of fashion or IT. Unfortunately, not all problems can be instantly resolved through live chat. Imagine a scenario in an online shop where a customer encounters trouble navigating the billing tab of a SAAS product. In such cases, the support agent can step in, create a ticket, and loop in the right departments to address the issue.

    This thoughtful approach not only leads to a stellar customer rating but also ensures the customer doesn’t feel overlooked. Plus, it fosters collaboration between different departments, showcasing a united effort to provide top-notch service.

    Healthcare Industry

    Now let’s look at some of the real-life examples that show how ticketing systems are changing the way healthcare works. 

    • Appointment Scheduling

    Through the integration of an online ticketing system, individuals can conveniently schedule doctor appointments and consultations by simply sending an email. This eliminates the necessity of physically visiting the hospital, completing forms, or waiting in line. The online ticketing system not only benefits patients but also assists doctors in effectively tracking patient status via the ticketing system.

    Additionally, it promotes seamless inter-departmental coordination among doctors through the exchange of private notes. For instance, if someone wishes to consult an orthopedic specialist, they can effortlessly initiate the process by sending an email via their preferred portal to the hospital’s registration department, creating a ticket. Subsequently, they will receive a confirmation email specifying the scheduled date and time for the consultation.

    • IT Service Management & Inter-Department Communication

    In contemporary healthcare settings, there has been a significant integration of IT and electrical equipment in hospitals and clinics. This integration has accelerated treatment procedures and empowered doctors to deliver more comprehensive care to patients. The introduction of an internal ticketing system plays a crucial role in efficiently tracking and resolving any reported system issues from doctors and nurses, with support from the IT team.

    Beyond addressing technical concerns, a ticketing system serves as a valuable tool for enhancing internal communication across various departments. For instance, the orthopedic department can effortlessly generate a ticket for the imaging department, seeking expedited processing of the X-rays for a particular patient, especially those slated for upcoming surgery. This streamlined communication process ensures a cohesive and responsive approach to patient care.

    •  Patient Feedback

    The hospital places a primary focus on the well-being and satisfaction of its customers, the patients. Recognizing that exceptional treatment often leads to positive referrals, the collection of patient feedback becomes very important. If a patient provides negative feedback, the hospital management team can initiate a ticketing system to systematically track, investigate, and resolve the issue, ensuring a responsive and constructive approach to enhancing patient experience.

    Hospitality & Tourism Industry

    Here we will explore some of the practical examples of how ticketing systems are making a difference in the Hospitality and Tourism industry, by simplifying processes and enhancing the overall experience.

    • Hotel/ Transportation Booking

    In the realm of tourism and hospitality, integrating a ticketing system proves invaluable for businesses aiming to enhance agent performance tracking. Particularly beneficial for tourism companies lacking a dedicated customer app for hotel and transportation bookings, a ticketing system seamlessly integrates into their booking processes. This empowers travel agents to tailor services to customer preferences outlined in the ticket, while the business gains insights into agent metrics through analysis of Service Level Agreements (SLA) generated by the ticketing system.

    • Customer Issue Reporting

    The integration of a ticketing system with an omni-channel platform empowers both agents and customers to seamlessly report any issues encountered during their stay or travel experiences. Customers have the flexibility to independently create a ticket by sharing feedback via email with the tour company or hotel’s support team. Alternatively, travel agents can initiate the ticket creation process while engaging in a chat with the customer. This ticketing system serves as a centralized tool, facilitating issue tracking across various channels for both customers and the business.

    IT & Electronic Industry

    The use cases for a ticketing system in IT and Electronics extend from internal technical support to customer-facing interactions, providing a centralized and organized approach to issue resolution, asset management, and overall system optimization.

    • Customer Support

    The integration of omnichannel support with a ticketing system serves to enhance the overall customer experience. This integration allows your agents to provide consistent assistance seamlessly across various channels, eliminating the need for customers to repeatedly explain their issues.

    The inclusion of email integration within the ticketing system takes service excellence a step further. Automatic updates are dispatched to customers, ensuring they stay well-informed without the necessity for follow-ups. Even in cases where a customer proactively contacts support to inquire about the status of his issue, an agent, even if not previously engaged in a chat, can gain a comprehensive understanding by searching for the unique ticket number.

    • Performance Monitoring and Analytics

    IT teams need insights into the frequency and nature of technical issues. The ticketing system provides analytics and reporting tools, allowing IT managers to analyze patterns, identify recurring problems, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions for continuous improvement.

    • Preventive Maintenance

    To avoid system downtimes and hardware failures, organizations implement preventive maintenance measures. IT teams can schedule and track preventive maintenance tasks through the ticketing system. Regular check-ups, updates, and inspections can be logged, helping prevent potential issues before they escalate.

    • Hardware and Software Management

    Organizations need to keep track of hardware and software assets, including maintenance, upgrades, and replacements. The ticketing system serves as an inventory management tool, enabling IT teams to log and track hardware and software-related tasks. This includes requests for new equipment, upgrades, or installations, ensuring organized and systematic handling of resources.

    Telecommunication & ISP Industry

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of Telecommunication and Internet Service Providers (ISPs), the seamless orchestration of customer interactions and technical operations is very important. The versatile ticketing software not only resolves customer concerns with finesse but also optimizes the intricate web of network management. 

    • Resolving Service Issues and Streamline Communication

    The ISP and telecommunication industry is highly dependent on the ticketing software. While people may try to fix software, electrical, or booking issues on their own, internet problems often lead them to quickly contact customer support. Agents play a vital role in assuring customers that their concerns are acknowledged and will be addressed promptly.

    Even after talking to customers, agents need to let the tech team know about the issues for faster resolution. However, explaining the problem to the tech team again takes up time and resources. Instead, agents can quickly create a detailed ticket about the issue and assign it promptly to the right team.

    • Customer Assurance and Transparency

    Customers need reassurance that their reported issues will be addressed promptly. Support agents, utilizing the ticketing system, play a crucial role in assuring customers that their concerns are noted and being actively addressed. The system enhances transparency by providing customers with a record of their reported issues and the steps being taken for resolution.

    • Location-Based Technical Support

    Telecommunication services cover diverse geographical areas. Given the expansive coverage, many telecommunication providers have location-based technical support teams. The ticketing system facilitates the efficient assignment of tickets to teams based on the geographic location of the reported issue, ensuring localized and effective support.

    Decision Time: Sealing the Deal on Your Choice

    Discovering the ideal ticketing system for your customer service and support team, as well as your customers, will boost productivity among representatives and equip them with the tools necessary to serve customers more efficiently.

    Choosing the most appropriate ticketing software can be challenging, and we believe that this article has furnished you with valuable insights on how to select the ideal software solution that aligns perfectly with both your needs and your team’s requirements.

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    Suvashree Bhattacharya

    Suvashree Bhattacharya is a researcher, blogger, and author in the domain of customer experience, omnichannel communication, and conversational AI. Serving as a content marketing strategist at REVE Chat, she develops contextual and interesting content for customers from different industries and segments like customer service, customer satisfaction, engagement, messaging platforms, etc. Passionate about writing and designing, she pours her heart out in writeups that are detailed, interesting, engaging, and more importantly cater to the requirements of the targeted audience. Her interests include reading, painting, and traveling.

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